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Turning an idea into a reality!

Are you one of those people that has so many ideas in their head for different businesses? Do you sometimes think - 'Oh that would be so useful to so many people' or 'that product is really needed'..... 'I should try and make this a reality...then it hits you like a tonne of bricks - the enormity of the task ahead!


Turning a business idea into a reality can seem like a daunting and difficult task ahead. So, here are some simple steps to help you on your way:

Write it down!

This may seem like an obvious thing to do but the power in gathering your thoughts and putting them down on paper can be so powerful. It helps your mind fully focus on your ideas. I like to draw mind maps - I find them an easy way to track your ideas and thoughts.


Take some time to do some research - find out if anyone else has thought of your idea before... if they have how you can do it better or maybe differently?

Ask for some opinions!

Run your ideas past some friends and family and see what they think. Maybe you can ask people that might be your potential customers. You might not always get the response you want but it's important to understand why they think what they think about your idea.

Draw a timeline!

It's so important to map out a timeline what you need to achieve in order to launch your business ideas. Think about some of the following - incorporating the company, financial plan, branding, website, logo, marketing strategy, pricing... just to name a few things!

Be passionate and purposeful!

The entrepreneur journey isn't easy so you need to believe in your idea. There will be knocks along the way so pick yourself up, learn from it and power on! Make sure you take time to look after yourself and not to burn out. The key to this is planning and being disciplined with yourself.

Wishing you all the best on your journey!


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