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Just do it.

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now” — Chinese proverb.

In my previous post I looked at what can stop us starting our own business; most of the time I find it is a deep rooted sense of fear. Fear of looking stupid. Fear of failing. Fear of getting hurt. In this post I want us to move past that fear and get into the action of DOING; because what helps break fear - embracing it and doing it in spite of it being present. I believe sub-consciously fear causes us to procrastinate. Procrastination means - deferred until tomorrow or in some of our cases in 5 days time, in 5 weeks time or 5 years time!

I don't about you but you those days when you just don't feel like exercising and you drag yourself to do it anyway, then afterwards you feel great because you did it. Sometimes in our businesses we have to get ourselves out of the way and take action, in spite of what our emotional or motivational state is. When you take action you start to see results and when you start to see results, these results help motivate you to take more action.

I want to encourage you to take action now. Write that business plan. Call that client. Ask that investor for money.

Imagine where you would be now if you took almost immediate action. Imagine where you would be if 5 years ago you had started to take action on that business idea you had. The power of doing I believe has to become a habit in your daily life. It's those small daily tasks that help propel you towards your goal. Those small daily achievements help bring a sense of momentum, a sense of moving forward, a feeling that something is happening.

In the famous words of Nike - 'Just do it!'. There is no better time than now.

Till next time.

Wishing you much success on your journey.


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